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cartoon clipboard on blue circle icon Where are you located?

Our address is 445 Nuckolls Road, Bolivar, TN. We are located on site at Bolivar Elementary School. If you have any issues with finding our entrance, please contact us at (731) 658-2902. We have a separate entrance than Bolivar Elementary School’s main entrance. Our doors are located near the gym.


cartoon girl with black hair Who can be seen at the School Health Clinic?
Students and employees of the Hardeman County School System can be seen at the School Health Clinic. Currently, we do not see siblings, parents, or other family members who are not part of the Hardeman County School System.


cartoon boy on blue circle icon How can my child be seen at the clinic?
If your child is a student at one of the Hardeman County Schools and needs an appointment, please call (731) 658-2902 to schedule. A consent form must be signed by a parent/guardian prior to the child being seen. A child may be seen without a parent if we have received signed and verbal consent from the parent. Your child will not be seen without yoru permission / notification. We suggest that a parent be present for well child examinations and immunizations.


cartoon envelope with note on blue circle icon How will I know what happened during my child's visit if he/she is seen without me being there?

Normally, the School Health Clinic provider or nurse will call you before and after the visit to keep you updated on the visit, testing, treatment, etc. If the provider or nurse is not able to reach you by phone, a note will be sent home with the student with this information.

blue cartoon car Will transportation to the clinic be provided?
No. Parents/guardians will be responsible for providing transportation to and from the School Health Clinic location. In the future, students and employees will be able to be seen by telehealth at the school in which they attend or are employed.


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Contact Information

Bolivar Elementary School
445 Nuckolls Rd
Bolivar, Tennessee 38008

Regular office hours are Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Phone: 731-658-3981
Fax: 731-658-2641