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Special Programs

PTO meets twice a semester to promote parental involvement in education.

Accelerated Reading is a computerized reading program used in grades 1-5.

The Foster Grandparent Program provides tutoring for preschoolers by community volunteers.


IReady is a computerized program that diagnoses a child's reading and math levels. Benchmark tests are given 3 times per year in reading and math to students in grades K-5.

Read Across America Week is a school-wide participation in a national "Dr. Seuss" celebration of reading. The celebration offers activities and/or dress-up days for the students to participate in. Guest readers from the community come into the classrooms to read to the students. 

Junior Beta Club is available for fifth grade honor students.

The Spelling Bee is an annual contest with 4th and 5th grade winners advancing to the county spelling bee. Younger students in grades 1-3 also participate in Spelling Bees within their grades.

4-H Club meets monthly in grades 4-5.


Jr. Yearbook Staff is open to 4th and 5th graders. Students submit applications and are chosen for the staff early every school year.

21st Century Extended School Day Program is a standards based instructional program that offers both after-school tutoring and summer school programs to students.

Grandparents' Days bring some of our favorite people to school. Students and their grandparents eat lunch, hear stories, make games, and visit the playground and classrooms.

SRA Reading Mastery is a scripted reading program being implemented in K and resource classes.

Teach Your Monster to Read is available to all Kindergarteners. The program begins with letter sounds and phonics and progresses as the students improve.

Sumdog is a Math program that is available to students in grades 2-5. Those students often compete in local and national math competitions.

Prodigy is a Math program used mostly in grades 2-5. Students log into a virtual world where they can battle with math and climb levels as they learn. is a website used with students in grades 2-5 to develop and build typing skills.

Study Ladder is a multi-subject program available to students in grades 2-5. The program includes games, activities, and tutorials in several subject areas.

Cubby H.O.L.E. (Home of Literacy Education) is a classroom that is geared toward reading. Teachers can check out books or book sets from the room or sign up for reading time in the cozy atmosphere. The room has been outfitted with couches, beanbags, and other alternative seating.

Special Education programs focus on the needs of the exceptional child from pre-school through fifth grade.  These services include academically gifted classes, resource classes, inclusion classes,  speech/language therapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy, sensory rooms, and PACE (Prevocational/Academic Curriculum for Exceptionalities) classes. Click here for the Special Education Page.

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Feels Like: 62.33ËšF

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Contact Information

Bolivar Elementary School
445 Nuckolls Rd
Bolivar, Tennessee 38008

Regular office hours are Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Phone: 731-658-3981
Fax: 731-658-2641